Community based air quality monitoring pilot to assess NO2 levels in Bengaluru’s air
Client: Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI)
Location: Bengaluru
Partner/Collaborators: Clean Air Platform - Bengaluru (CAP-B), Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI)
Status: Pilot completed
Duration: Feb - April 2019
The aim of this pilot was to engage citizens in understanding air quality near where they live, work and play. As traffic is one of the biggest sources of pollution, NO2 was selected as an indicator pollutant to understand the effects of traffic.
The data to be gathered would purely be used for the purpose of creating awareness as well as instigate conversation and community self-organization. The project sites were to be selected by the community groups that would participate in the study. The pilot study put together aspects like the type of instrument to use, the design of the instrument holder/casing, logistics and training videos for citizens.