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Ward as a unit of change

Updated: May 27, 2020

Exploring what it would take for ward committees to be truly transformative. Study observing 22 ward committee meetings

Location: Bengaluru

Partner/Collaborators: Citizens for Bengaluru, Janaagraha, CIVIC, Reap Benefit and CFAR

Duration: August - October 2019

Status: Completed

This report captures insights from a study to observe working of ward committees in Bengaluru through the monthly meetings and offers solutions to streamline their functioning to be more effective in transforming local governance and tackling the city’s complex urban issues.

The sample size of the study was 22 wards spread across the city, documented over 4 months - July to October ‘19 with the help of 14 volunteers. The insights from the study were further shared and solutions collaboratively developed by Sensing Local Foundation, Citizens for Bengaluru, Janaagraha, CIVIC, Reap Benefit and CFAR along with inputs from volunteers.

The core reason to undertake the study was to understand the following aspects:

  1. Current functioning of Ward Committees - type of issues discussed, its communication and representativeness (what part of the society does it affect)

  2. Speed and process of resolution of issues

  3. Format of the meetings and how its curated

  4. Support needed in ward committees to fulfil their mandate effectively

While the standardised format followed for documentation for the meetings covered the following:

  1. Issues raised (category, description, location, progress status/action taken)

  2. Proposals (category, description, location, progress status/action taken)

  3. Attendance (Ward Committee members, officials from line departments, citizens)

  4. Process of meetings being conducted

  5. Agenda setting

  6. General observations and suggestions from volunteers

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