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Community portal framework for Air Pollution

Creating an information portal to decode air pollution and personalise it for the public

Client: Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI)

Location: Bengaluru

Partner/Collaborators: Clean Air Platform, Bengaluru (CAP-B), Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI)

Duration: Jan - Oct 2018

Status: Completed

Sensing Local was involved in developing the concept framework for the community portal for Clean Air Platform, Bengaluru, conceived to be the online platform for communication and engagement with CAP-B’s programmes alongside dissemination of critical information that spreads awareness and understanding with regard to air pollution. It was envisioned to be a highly interactive portal embodying CAP-B’s principal intent of - 'Making Air Pollution Personal' and ‘Creating Momentum for Informed Action’; making it the most critical citizen facing engagement piece of the initiative.

The proposal was to develop two portals -

  • India Air portal - a platform to bring together actors from all over the country to share knowledge, spread awareness and disseminate good practices and scalable solutions

  • City portal - A more active platform focussed on Bengaluru, with features like live air quality data, research and pilots, analysis, etc.



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