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Augmenting continuous monitoring of Air Pollution in Bengaluru

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

Evaluating strategic approach to enhancing availability and accessibility of air quality data for citizens, researchers and other actors in the city

Client: Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI)

Location: Bengaluru

Partner/Collaborators: Clean Air Platform - Bengaluru (CAP-B), Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI)

Duration: Oct 2018 - November 2018

Status: Completed

This was a research project undertaken to evaluate the fixed air quality monitoring network in the city to address two key gaps - lack of spatial coverage for the whole city and additionally how to improve the data access for the general public and other interest groups

The project analysed the following:

  1. Status of monitoring network in the city - its historic growth as per CPCB standards, type of monitors (manual vs continuous) and distribution across the city

  2. Citizens and Researchers perspective with regard to data availability and accessibility as well as use case requirements for mitigation

  3. Strategic criteria and approaches for augmenting the monitoring network

The project tasks consisted of a concept note to build a case for the project - understanding context of the city, efforts undertaken so far by KSPCB, needs of data by different actors in the city and therefore the call to action forward.



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